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Known Facts (6)
The Destruction of Alderaan occurred in 0 BBY at the order of Grand Moff Tarkin | Wilhuff Tarkin(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | , in order to demonstrate the destructive firepower of the first Death Star | Death StarStarshipSpace Stations | . The incident resulted in the complete annihilation of Alderaan | AlderaanPlanet | and the death of all its inhabitants.To obtain information on disappearance of the Death Star plans and location of the Rebel base, Darth Vader | Darth Vader(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | had taken the captured Princess Leia Organa | Leia Organa Solo(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | to the Death Star after she was taken prisoner during the Battle of Tatooine | Attack on Tantive IVEventGalactic Civil War | . When she refused to yield the location of the Rebel base, or the whereabouts of the plans, despite being tortured, Tarkin threatened to destroy Alderaan in an attempt to force her to confess. Fearing that Tarkin would use the superweapon on Alderaan and other peaceful worlds, she offered the location of an abandoned Rebel base on Dantooine. Thinking that he and the Empire had won, Tarkin went ahead and ordered the destruction of Alderaan anyway, shocking the Princess. When the powerful superlaser was fired at the planet, it met Alderaan's powerful planetary shield. However, the shield was unable to withstand the incredible power of the superlaser, and was destroyed within milliseconds. At full power, the hypermatter reactor had given a superluminal boost to the beam, which upon contact with the planet pushed a large portion of Alderaan's mass into hyperspace, destroying the planet in the process. Out of Alderaan's two billion inhabitants, roughly 60,000 survived the destruction of the world because they were outside of its star system at the time.Read more... |
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Full unit name: Destruction of Alderaan Last updated: 20.07.2024 23:59:19